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Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Knoxville, TN Host Family with Multiples shares why having an Au Pair is the best option.

At AuPairCare we understand that each family is unique. That is why our programs are customized to fit your childcare needs, lifestyle, and timing. Marshall and Ashley Franklin have triplet 9 month old girls and were in need of dependable, flexible childcare. This is exactly what the Franklin family has found in their au pair, Luana (Luly). Luly is providing the Franklin family with exceptional live in childcare that insures their daughters are safe, happy, and healthy. Hosting an au pair has not only met the Franklin family's childcare needs but has extended their family.

Below are some questions that Ashley has taken the time to answer about why having an au pair with AuPairCare is the best option for their family.

Why did you choose to host an au pair with AuPairCare over other childcare options?

I chose APC versus other childcare options for several reasons -
1) I wanted our children to be taken care of in our home. They were 8 weeks premature, so we were advised against going to a daycare because of risk of illness, and their immune system was weaker than a normal term baby.
2) I wanted someone to care for the girls that would love them as their own and not just think of them as a job.
3) I wanted the girls to have a consistent caregiver that would be dedicated to staying with us for at least one year.
4) Obviously the financial benefits. We could not afford childcare outside of the home for three babies!

What have you enjoyed most about having an au pair?

I love how Luly has allowed Marshall and I to be spontaneous again. With triplets you can imagine that almost everything has to be planned out to the tee, and it is nice that if Luly is helping us we can run and grab coffee together or just go for a walk and talk for a while without having to plan it well in advance. Luly is truly part of our family and I love having someone else in our home to help us care for the girls. Also there is the cultural aspect - I love sitting and talking with Luly about Curitiba (city she is from in Brazil) and how things are different there versus the US. I have learned to appreciate things in the US that I may have taken for granted when I learn that not everyone has the luxuries that we have!

How does having an au pair make your life easier?

Where do I begin!? Right when I wake up in the morning to she is right there to jump in and help us. She is always willing to help with the girls as well as jump in with other light household duties. With triplets there is always a diaper to be changed, and bottles and clothes to be washed. Marshall and I were always outnumbered before Luly joined our family, and she has really given us a chance to relax a little bit instead of being consumed with all the aspects of caring for triplets.

What would you say to a family who is considering an au pair but is unsure about having live in childcare?

You really have to weigh all the aspects of caring for your children versus thinking about having someone live in your home. If I had one child I may feel differently, but with triplets we constantly need an extra set of hands. I have always been a "more the merrier" type person, so having someone live with us was never an issue. I would also ask yourself why you are unsure of live in childcare. It may be a reason that could easily be addressed through the interview process.

Luly has been an absolute joy and blessing in our lives. The girls love her, Marshall and I love her, and it will be a sad day when she leaves! Every night when she goes upstairs to her room we say "nós te amamos," which is "we love you" in Portuguese. I would definitely encourage everyone to at least consider an au pair. It is an adventure and great experience for both your children and yourself!

Please visit www.aupaircare.com for more information about hosting an au pair or contact me at 865-719-8054.

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